Getting real with yourself is crucial. Becoming brutally honest with the situation that you are in will be helpful. Do not put the other person on a pedestal and make them out to be this long lost love that has left you. There were probably a lot of lousy things about their character that truly did not work for you. I also found a great trick in getting over a break up. I would only allow myself 15 minutes a day to think about the person. This exercise helped me to stop the obsessive thoughts and fantasizing about getting back together. Fifteen minutes a day….that’s IT!! I would also not allow myself to call the other person and began to do things that I loved to do again. Take classes, exercise, find new friends, hobbies, do loving things for yourself, and get outside support. Remember, if this person is not right for you, there is definitely, most positively someone else out there for you. The world is filled with wonderful, heartfelt, kind and compassionate human beings wanting to be in a healthy relationship just like you. Take time to heal and when you are ready, get back out there. If I found it, you can too!!